P.S. I used the “spell check” feature and it said to begin this blog with the word “Therefore” I usually don’t use such words in my everyday language, but I think I might start. It behooves me to increase my vocabulary.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Anybody for Lunch?
Sunday, December 9, 2007
What I’ve Been Up To?
It has become a tradition for my sister, my mother, and me to go to witches tea at the Grand America. We started attending 3-4 years ago. The idea is; you dress up like a witch or a wizard (I dress up like a cat) and you go to the ritzy Grand America Hotel and have tea and strumpets. The deserts are always amazing! Next time I go, I am going to get the hot chocolate though. The peppermint tea that I had was just…alright.
Nicole has a great Prof. McGonagall costume that she wears, but this year she had to work and needed to bail early so I got to wear her hat.
My buddies and I thought that it would be funny to have a Mexican Halloween party. We would all dress up like Mexican super heroes and play Mexican games. All in all, it was a very stereotype-driven party. Some may have found it offensive but they need to lighten up. ;)
We had a piñata. We had some amazing costumes and some lackluster costumes. Irregardless, it was a blast!
For Thanksgiving, the whole family went down to San Diego. My sister Carole and Aaron, her husband, live there. They have a beautiful apartment in Mission Valley.
We arrived on Wednesday day night and, of course, went straight to dinner. We had a blast! It was so fun to catch up with Carole and Aaron. It is funny how they change but stay the same. They look the same, and talk the same, but they seem to have grown up a lot in the past year. (This sounds like an outtake from scrubs…)
Thanksgiving was a blast! Aaron got up early to go surfing. My mom got up early to bake the turkey. I slept in a bit. We decided to go get Jamba Juices® and Bagels at about 11 (keep in mind that dinner was scheduled for 2 pm. Ya just can’t eat enough on Thanksgiving, huh? After Jamba Juice© some of us went to the beach and played football, and others went home to finish the dinner. After running around for a bit my Jamba Juice™ decided it wanted to be back on the outside of me again so I laid down on the beach in the sun feeling sick, but loving the sun.
My cousin Lisa lives in Laguna Nigel, about an hour and a half north of Sand Diego. We all gathered around Carole and Aaron’s table on Thursday afternoon and ate way too much. After dinner we sat around, laughed, and told stories. It seemed that there were a few people that sneaked off to take a quick nap…me being one of them. We played secret combinations after everyone was awake.
Friday we went to the wild animal park and got to see all sorts of crazy animals. By the way, Rhinos are bigger then you would ever imagine. I was blown away when I saw them. I mean, the elephants seemed big, but rhinos are just magnificently huge!!! I got my mom and Carole to go on the carousel with me. It was great!
Friday night, we went to Le Fountain Bleu, which is the fancy-dan restaurant in the Westgate Hotel, where Aaron works. They have their weekly seafood soirée, and it was good! It was the second time I have ever tired caviar, and the only time that I thought it tasted good. It was also the first time I had oysters, and I have no idea how anyone considers them aphrodisiacs…YUCKY!!!
Saturday, we went to Catalina Island. It is so beautiful there. It’s kind of weird thought; I was on an island, and I’m’ used to being on islands and having them tropical. It was somewhat chilly. Still gorgeous nonetheless.
Sunday we went to the crown room, and ate some more. I have realized that when the Cannon’s get together that is all we do. We go from restaurant to ice cream shop to activity to restaurant. It is amazing that we are not all super huge!
I haven’t done much so far this month. I am looking forward for lots of things that my friends and family have coming up. Scott and Mitzi are expecting there first baby, sometime this month. I think they need to name it Bort Ham- Sandwich Cannon. Matt and Jenny Meese are expecting their first babies; twins! I’m holding out for Mario and Luigi Meese.
My only real plans for the month (other than celebrating Christmas with my family and figuring out what the true meaning of Kwanza is) is to grow out my hair and beard. I’m going to grow out my beard and shave my moustache so I look like Abe Lincoln or Brigham Young. I plan to wear a pea-coat and a beanie and tell everyone I’m a longshoreman that works the dock of the Great Salt Lake. Anyway…
I have a web album of pics from the last month. If you wanna check them out click this link http://picasaweb.google.com/clarkcannon/BloggDecember
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Walkin' the Doggy Dog
Since the parents have been out of town, the job of walking the dog has fallen to me. I was a little hesitant to take on this particular task; was I going to pass out and have a heart attack on the walk? Would I be hit by a car (I haven’t had good luck walking along Holladay Blvd.)? Would Barkley decide that he wanted to run and drag me around the Dog Park in cartoon form?
Regardless, I have taken on the task and I quite like it! It is pleasant to get out and enjoy the fresh air, get a spot of exercise and have somebody to talk to that will listen implicitly to the nothingness ramblings that spew out of my mouth. One of my favorite things about the walk is the scenery. That is really, why I am writing this blog; so I can post these pictures.
For a long time I took the neighborhood, I was raised in for granted. It is truly a remarkable portion of God’s green earth!
Click on the pics to expand
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
So, this morning, i was thinking about exercising. I have many friends that like to run marathons, and half-marathons, and triathlons, and stuff. I hate running. Running is the worst!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
YAR!!! Thar be pirates a foot!
Shiver me timbers! Blow the men down! As you all know, the 19th of September is International Talk like a Pirate Day; always an enchanting, magnificent day!
This year the pirates flocked in droves; we loaded the Jolly Roger with grog and set sail to find more booty!
This year's attendees:
Ben Jams and his first mate,
Jo-D, Derrick White-sail, and Comendant Fehr…
And I Admiral Bilge Cannon