Shiver me timbers! Blow the men down! As you all know, the 19th of September is International Talk like a Pirate Day; always an enchanting, magnificent day!
This year the pirates flocked in droves; we loaded the Jolly Roger with grog and set sail to find more booty!
This year's attendees:
Ben Jams and his first mate,
Jo-D, Derrick White-sail, and Comendant Fehr…
And I Admiral Bilge Cannon
We all rolled up at the same time, poured out of the cars in our pirate glory and immediately Ben Jams hits us with Rum extract spray. It STUNK!!! However, it really did tie the whole night together. I was hoping to be pulled over on the way home and even swerved a bit, just to see…anyway. I just think it would be hilarious to stink to high heaven like a rummy and blow a 0.000 on the breath-a-lizer.
We walked in an immediately the patrons of skippers were focused on us. I don't know if it was the smell, but I am guessing it was the way we stormed in almost commanding the attention of all with our raucous behavior. Debbie, the woman who worked there, thought we were the greatest thing since sliced bread. She was fawning and oh-ing over us. It was the greatest!
How "rum"inating. Obviously I need to update ny holiday calendar - It's missing talk like a pirate day. Jerry Seinfeld has nothing on you guys.
Yo ho me heartie, t'was truly a grand night at the skipper's bunghole! Me buxom beauty and I will be more ready than ever next year for the pirate challenges, I give you my word on that or I do the hempin jig!
Holy Awesome!
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