Monday, November 3, 2008
My Man Friday and Stretch Armstrong
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Tagged! Finally!! Boom City!!!
Anyway, here we go...
What are the last 3 things you purchased?
- Super Big Gulp and Donut (no wonder I’m huge!)
- Tickets to Batman: The Dark Night
- $75.48 of gasoline fuel for my car!
What are the last 3 songs you downloaded?
- Stormy Weather by The Kooks
- Fire by The Grimpths (check them out on myspace, we played with them at Liquid Joes last week)
- Pork and Beef by The Coup
What were the last 3 places you visited?
- St. George, Utah
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- Boise, Idaho
What are your 3 favorite movies?
I could watch these over and over again...
- Waiting…
- The Bourne Identity
- Raising Arazona
What are your 3 favorite possessions?
- Stupid iPhone!!! So fun and such a time waster!!!
- My navy blue pinstripe suit
- My Ernie Ball Stingray 5 bass
What are 3 things you can't live without?
- Dr. Pepper
- Talk Radio & Music (something has gotta be playing in the background)
- Family & Friends (something has gotta be in the foreground)
What are your 3 wishes?
- I wish I didn’t feel like a traqualized cow when I wake up in the morning.
- Someday to have kids, and that they won’t be as jact as their ol’ man!
- That Hollywood would start make good movies that weren’t preaching to us. STUPID Wall-E!!!
What are 3 things you haven't done yet?
- Been to the Kentucky Derby
- Been to Ireland
- Golfed in Scotland
What are your 3 favorite dishes?
- Dad’s BBQ chicken
- Anything my mom makes! ANYTHING!!!
- Macho Chicken Burrito from Del Taco™
What 3 celebs do you want to hang out with?
- Turk & JD
- Primus
- Natalie Portman
Name 3 things that freak you out
- Kids… pretty much anyone under the age of 18.
- People ripping (instead of trimming with clippers) their fingernails off! Freaking Weirdos!!! Gives me the jibblies!
- Long Term Relationships
Name 3 things you are good at
- Bass playing! I’m virtually the oldest bass prodigy in the world!
- Driving – quickly, distance, whatever you need! I’m the man!
- Making Spaghetti-O’s® and Cheese Sandwiches!
Name 3 things you are currently coveting
- Anyone with a car that gets more than 17MPG.
- People who can tan.
- Anyone not wearing a suit today.
3 bloggers I tag
- Nicole
- Mitzi
- Karey
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
So Friday night Dave told me that I needed to volunteer at the Holladay 5k Classic. We would be standing at the intersection of Haven Lane and Cottonwood Lane directing people to run up the hill. The best part was I needed to pick him up at 6:30am so we could be in our spots at 7. WAY EARLY for a Saturday morning! Anyway, I made him sweeten the deal by getting him to wear skintight yellow jerseys and big foam cowboy hats! Therefore, it was on!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Enough to make a good man start swearing!!!!
Unpoetic justice for Duke players
Two men did not graduate from Duke University in May because they were two of the three lacrosse players accused of rape in March 2006 and were forced to suspend their academic pursuits in order to defend themselves against the charges that were later dismissed. Another ’08 student did graduate in May in Durham, from North Carolina Central University: Crystal Mangum, the drug-abusing, part-time stripper who had relentlessly accused the three of raping her but whose story was later found to be completely unsupported. Mangum’s degree is in police psychology.
That is enough to make a good man start swearing!!! Anyway… That is all…
Friday, April 18, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
iPhone? iPhone!

Not long after the Vegas trip, like the next week my phone blew up. It did this fancy little trick where the screen turns white and does not work. AWESOME!!! Therefore, I decided to bite the bullet and get an iPhone. The problem was that I have a killer plan through t-mobile and I did not want to go with AT&T because they are CRAPPY. Therefore, I studied up on how to hack it to make it work with another server. It is remarkably easy! If you want to get one and need some help hit me up because I would love to help. Anyway, I thought that I would list the pros and cons of the iPhone…so…transition…NOW:
Email on the phone. Very handy for business.
Third Party software downloads. I have an amortization calculator on my phone thanks to some computer nerd. It comes in handy. I also have a dictionary, dominos, billiards, eBook reader.
Maps program that has routing capabilities. Being a former delivery boy, I did not think that I would use this very often, but I do and I love it!
Handy for picturesI can keep my most recent and my most awesome photos on the phone i.e. Moustache Party Pics.
It holds my 4-5 star playlist from iTunes with “a bit” of room to spare.
It logs the text messages so you can read back on your conversation. It is like an IM chat log. Really Cool!!!
No picture messages. I think that is totally gay! Not like “homosexual” gay, or “happy/jovial” gay but the gay that you use to describe a fanny pack. Just gay. It is the coolest phone but it does not send or receive picture messages. That is totally gay!
The Camera does not take very good pictures. Almost every picture I take is blurry. I think I was spoiled with my Samsung that took killer KA-BLAMO pictures. Maybe I need to work on my dexterity, coordination, or something but I cannot take a steady picture to save my life. If I was taking still life pictures with a tripod mount, it might not be fuzzy.
It does not take video. There is third party software that you can BUY, but who wants to pay for software when someone will make it free in 3 weeks.
All in all, I really like the phone. I love the interface and I love the keyboard. It took a bit to get used to but now I type a lot faster than my old phone pad type thingy on text messages. I have chubby fingers and really do not have much trouble with it.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Vegas, BABY!!!! Vegas!!!!
Therefore, and it came to pass, this last month was full of blessings, tragedies, loves gained and loves lost.
The first weekend of the March the whole family got together in Las Vegas to visit with our cousin Rob; just recently returned from his second tour in Iraq and is going to be stationed in Washington State for the next little bit. It was fun to see Rob! We went to Lawry’s Prime Rib House and were gluttons! It was a BLAST!!! It was sad that Aaron was the only one not there, but when he is not around, I move up the family “coolness” scale – oh, how the mighty have fallen… We went to the Cirque De Sole show “KA” and it was a-freakin-mazing! There was only one thing that bothered me about the show; they tried to and some lame-o story to it. They should have just stuck to doing astounding, astonishingly acrobatic things. I think that when I saw “Mystere” I was more shocked because I had never seen anything like that and they did not force some gay story into it.
Scott and Mitzi drove down from Boise and said that baby Corbin (Mudbone) didn’t make a peep the whole way. I didn’t believe them until we were driving to Vegas and he just gassed out the minute we hit the freeway until we got out of the car at the Venetian in Vegas. What a sleepy baby!?!?!? However, he has to be the cutes piece of work out there. He’s got an dandy of a double chin like his uncle Clark.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Favorite Pics From the Past Month
These are some of my favorite pictures from the past month. My mom asked me to walk Barchlay on day.
We went to the dog park which was beautiful! If my mom ever asks you to walk the dog, take Barquelay to the dog park!
I figured out why all the ladies love Ron...
Valentines Day dinner with all my friends; totally accidental picture but it looks cool!
The man who was my real Valentine...or something...and his wife.
Uncle Rick and his dancing buddy, Barkleigh.
Fun in Boise
I was in St. George and started heading back around 7pm so I could wake up early and drive to Boise. All in all, it was about 1000 miles in 24 hours by the time I got home Sunday night.
Needless to say, and notwithstanding the long journey, nevertheless, it was great to go meet the first Cannon grandkid. It was great! I got to listen to a bunch of funny comedians on the drive too. So…anyway…
St. George Here We Come!!!
As you can see Chad got a lot of exercise from plying Wii.
John and Sarah like to eat a lot!
Lizzy is super cute and almost as chubby as Scott and Mitzi’s baby Corbin.
We tried to get on a Sky Mountain but only got to play on the range there.
We did get to play at Coral Canyon which was beautifully amazing!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Holiday Facial Hair
This year I decided to grow out a holiday beard. On catch was that I would grow out the full beard and then shave my moustache. I thought it’d be funny cause I’d look like a longshoreman. It was super SEXXY!!! For Christmas I had the moustache shaved. For new years, I shaved the chin. It was AWESOME!!!
What Dad Wanted For Christmas
Christmas Day
Van Mangus came to play games with us on Christmas night. My mom got a bunch of games for Christmas this year so we will have lots of fun after Sunday dinners! This is one of the games called Quelf and my mom and dad had to play leap frog to continue on in the game. Aaron had to sing Kumbaya. Ruston had to do a news report without laughing. A ridiculously fun game!
Christmas Eve
I have a ton of pictures on my picasa album. I tried to take the highlights and post them in this big ol' stream of posts.
For some reason, and it doesn't matter how many pictures i see, i think these hats are AWESOME!!!! I LOVE THEM!!!! They get funnier and funnier every year!!!!
I think this is my favorite picture of Bindi and Aaron. She's really a goofy cat.
By the way, all of the incorrect puntuation is for Scott!!!! Take that four exclaimation makrs!!!! ha ha ha ha!!!!
Christmas Eve we hung out at the Pinnocks and this was a highlight for sure! Earlier this year all the aunts and uncles went to Disney World. Everyone got hats and they went into an impromptu Mickey Mouse fan club song. I was a little slow on the draw but I did get the roll call. GREAT!!!
Mandy's Birthday...23!!!! That's CRAZY!!!!!
We all went to lunch for Mandy’s birthday at the olive garden and for the 15th year in a row we decided that we didn’t want to go ice skating for Mandy’s birthday, regardless of her birthday wish.
Mandy decided to take a picture of her nose.
Mandy was excited about her cake! Obviously!
This was a funny picture of me.
Christmas Zoo Lights Festival
First of all, Seamus pronounced SHAY’mus, my band, played at the Hogle Zoo Lights Festival! It was a blast and freezing cold! We had a few people stick around to watch us rock but most of the people were interested in walking around and look at the sponsors lights. It seemed very commercial. Personally, I would rather look at lights on houses and albino alligators on their own, then to look at lights of KOZY 106.5 and albino alligators in the same building. Anyway...