Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Christmas Zoo Lights Festival

Therefore, it appears that I am not very good at posting on my blog; however, I really do have things going on in my life. I guess I am just not very good at writing about them…

First of all, Seamus pronounced SHAY’mus, my band, played at the Hogle Zoo Lights Festival! It was a blast and freezing cold! We had a few people stick around to watch us rock but most of the people were interested in walking around and look at the sponsors lights. It seemed very commercial. Personally, I would rather look at lights on houses and albino alligators on their own, then to look at lights of KOZY 106.5 and albino alligators in the same building. Anyway...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is such a freaking sweet picture of you! You're such a rocker.