Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Holiday Facial Hair

This year I decided to grow out a holiday beard. On catch was that I would grow out the full beard and then shave my moustache. I thought it’d be funny cause I’d look like a longshoreman. It was super SEXXY!!! For Christmas I had the moustache shaved. For new years, I shaved the chin. It was AWESOME!!!

What Dad Wanted For Christmas

This is what dad really wanted for Christmas! He rents one of these every year, but he never gets one in his stocking on Christmas morning.

Christmas Day

And it came to pass, Christmas finally arrived and there was much rejoicing in the land. Clark received a teakettle that he uses several times a week. Father Cannon received a gas powered scooter. Nicole received an R2D2 talking robut. It was amazing all the awesome goodies that we got! I, personally, got enough reading material that will last me for 4-5 months! I love it! I got Freakanomics, Inconvenient Book, and The 5000 Year Leap.

Rick had a good time

Mandy got a new hat.

Van Mangus came to play games with us on Christmas night. My mom got a bunch of games for Christmas this year so we will have lots of fun after Sunday dinners! This is one of the games called Quelf and my mom and dad had to play leap frog to continue on in the game. Aaron had to sing Kumbaya. Ruston had to do a news report without laughing. A ridiculously fun game!

Christmas Eve

Christmas was super fun this year! It always amazes me how amazingly generous and amazing people are at the holidays! Santa really went above and beyond this year!

I have a ton of pictures on my picasa album. http://picasaweb.google.com/clarkcannon I tried to take the highlights and post them in this big ol' stream of posts.

For some reason, and it doesn't matter how many pictures i see, i think these hats are AWESOME!!!! I LOVE THEM!!!! They get funnier and funnier every year!!!!

I think this is my favorite picture of Bindi and Aaron. She's really a goofy cat.

By the way, all of the incorrect puntuation is for Scott!!!! Take that four exclaimation makrs!!!! ha ha ha ha!!!!

Christmas Eve we hung out at the Pinnocks and this was a highlight for sure! Earlier this year all the aunts and uncles went to Disney World. Everyone got hats and they went into an impromptu Mickey Mouse fan club song. I was a little slow on the draw but I did get the roll call. GREAT!!!

Mandy's Birthday...23!!!! That's CRAZY!!!!!

Carole and Aaron flew in early for Christmas and it was awesome! It was so fun to be able to hang out with them! It always seems like it is one of those strange things, where you have not seen each other in forever, but you pick up right where you left off. Sort of like when you get back from your mission. Ya know?

We all went to lunch for Mandy’s birthday at the olive garden and for the 15th year in a row we decided that we didn’t want to go ice skating for Mandy’s birthday, regardless of her birthday wish.

Mandy decided to take a picture of her nose.

Mandy was excited about her cake! Obviously!

This was a funny picture of me.

Christmas Zoo Lights Festival

Therefore, it appears that I am not very good at posting on my blog; however, I really do have things going on in my life. I guess I am just not very good at writing about them…

First of all, Seamus pronounced SHAY’mus, my band, played at the Hogle Zoo Lights Festival! It was a blast and freezing cold! We had a few people stick around to watch us rock but most of the people were interested in walking around and look at the sponsors lights. It seemed very commercial. Personally, I would rather look at lights on houses and albino alligators on their own, then to look at lights of KOZY 106.5 and albino alligators in the same building. Anyway...